Grain, Agricultrual, Industrial or Mineral Drying Systems
Dryers can be designed in the following manner:
Batch Solutions
Custom solutions for each material. There is no issue we have not been able to surmount with the right configuration. DryMAX can find the right way to remove water from materials without overheating. Our RADIO WAVE ENERGY is gentle and dries from the inside out.
- In all designs, we aim to achieve MODULAR, EFFICIENT, LOW HEAT, and QUALITY aspects to the process.

Continuous-flow Solutions
Our FLOW THROUGH dryer can dry grain/biomass in various configurations of large or commercial scale systems:
TOWER DESIGN enables vast amounts of grain to be dried in a controlled amount per hour.
- Similar to current tower dryers, grain is pumped to the top and gravity keeps material moving to the bottom auger or belt.
- DryMAX technology pushes water molecules out of the center of grain, then low energy fans push the moist air away.
- A phone App monitors the process, so up-to-the-minute results can be seen while in the field.
Multiple design styles take material from a higher moisture state to desired % on multiple layers of conveyors. Airflow is most important to remove released vapor, thus ducting or permeable belts can be chosen
Modular approach means highly accurate and even drying. This also means it has the ability to scale later without all the install costs.
Sensors and software give better insight into efficiencies so that the process is more intelligent than traditional systems.
New Drying Solutions for 2024
Rice, Barley, Soybean, Wheat, Other Seeds
New Drying Solutions for 2023
- Alfalfa
- Manure
- Begasse, Wood Pulp, Other Biomass
- Food Processing - proteins
- Municipal Drying - Sludge, waste, trash
- Industrial Materials
- Minerals - coal, fly ash, frat sand...
- Agriculture waste

Industry Disruptive Firsts